Colm O’Conaill

Energy Attaché, Permanent Representation of Ireland to the EU

Colm Ó Conaill is the Brussels based Irish Energy Attaché, working in the Permanent Representation of Ireland to the EU. He is responsible for the negotiation of key energy-related files that are part of the Fit for 55% legislative package designed to deliver on the EU carbon neutrality goals. He is seconded from the Department of Environment Climate and Communications, where he previously worked in Electricity and Gas Regulation. He led the Department’s state aid notification of the Irish Capacity Remuneration Mechanism. He has also led Irish negotiations on key elements of the market design regulation in the Clean Energy Package and previously represented Ireland at the electricity network codes and guidelines comitology negotiations. He coordinated the Department’s involvement in the regulator’s redesign of the Irish wholesale electricity market, which went live in October 2018. Before working on energy policy He was Private Secretary to the Minister for Communications and Energy. Prior to joining the civil service, Colm worked as a lecturer and researcher in history at Trinity College Dublin and NUI Galway. He specialised in Early Modern Europe, Military Migration and the French Revolution. He has a Ph.D. in History from Trinity College Dublin.

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