
Scaling up on renewables

Leaders in climate action industries must grasp the opportunities for their energy businesses. A massive up-scaling in our switch to renewables is required including accelerating the delivery of offshore wind, onshore wind and solar as well as ramping up green hydrogen production. Ireland is well placed to take advantage of opportunities through our vast renewable resources and there are opportunities for innovation and new technologies to play a significant role to meet emissions reduction targets.
Topics will include:

  • What are the investment trends in the low carbon energy transition?
  • How can we de-risk clean energy investments to maintain capital flow?
  • What process and energy technologies are available to drive digital transformation in businesses?
  • What do we need from the national grid?
  • What capital financing and funding opportunities are available?
Country President, Schneider Electric
Regulation and Commercial Manager, ESB Networks
CEO, Enterprise Ireland

Sponsorship Enquiry

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