Dr. John Reilly

Head of Renewable Energy, Bord na Móna

John is a member of Bord na Móna’s Senior Leadership team with specific responsibility for delivering the next generation of energy infrastructure projects to Bord na Móna’s expanding portfolio in the electricity market. His team is currently leading an expansion programme, which will see the company invest circa €3bn in expanding its generating fleet, with a key focus on renewable technologies, to assist Ireland in meeting its security of supply and decarbonisation targets in the period to 2030 & beyond. John has almost 25 years’ experience in the energy sector and was previously part of the Senior Management team at Edenderry Power prior to its acquisition by Bord na Mona Energy from the major German utility player EON. He has also worked for Fortum, the Finnish Utility.

John has served as a member of Eurelectric’s Environment & Sustainable Development Policy committee and the Irish Business & Employers Confederation (IBEC’s) Energy Policy Executive, where he previously chaired the Climate Change Working Group. He has also been a Director at on the Board of the Electricity Association of Ireland (EAI).

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